Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Mr Henric



  • FCI:

    Pointing Dogs, Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs

Henric, a Pharmaceutical consultant and teacher, owned his first Golden Retriever in 1968. He has now bred over 130 champions made up in 30 different countries. He bred the first Swedish Golden Retriever to go BIS in Sweden at a KC all breed show in 1981, Ch Dewmist Chrysander. Several times owner or breeder of Top Golden Retriever of the Year, Top Golden Retriever Breeder in Sweden for the last 7 consecutive years. Henric has written numerous articles about breeding, showing, handling, grooming and training. He is fluent in English and Swedish. Some wellknown dogs owned or bred by the Dewmist kennel include: Ch Sansue Golden Arrow, Ch Styal Samarkand, Ch Styal Silksilla, Ch Styal Sheer Scandal, Ch Gyrima Zacharias, Ch Gyrima Moongleam, Ch Gyrima Rosamund, Ch Marjamez Masterpiece, Ch Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel, Ch Erinderry Jacobite, Ch Dewmist Chrysander, Ch Dewmist Swinging on a Star, Ch Dewmist Silk Screen, Ch Dewmist Silkventure, Ch Dewmist Silkmarillion, Ch Dewmist Solitaire, Ch Dewmist Corindabella, Ch Dewmist Santinella, Ch Dewmist Deirdre Dee, Ch Dewmist Shade of Pale, Ch Dewmist Savannah, Ch Dewmist Shaquille, Ch Dewmist Serenella, Ch Dewmist Sandarella, Ch Dewmist Silverinda, & Ch Dewmist Leading Lady.