Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Mr Alfonso Badajoz,



    De Gilthov's
  • FCI:

    All Breeds

Industrialist, born in Badajoz (Spain) on the the 25th of april 1945. Foundation member and President of the Extremadura Kennel Club, Foundation member and member of the Schnauzer Spanish Club, Spanish Club of St.Bernard and of the American Cocker Club of Portugal. He is breeding under the "De Gilthov's" affix since 1970 the following breeds: German Shepherd, German Boxer, Dobermann, St.Bernard, Alaskan Malamute, Mastin Español, Riesenschnauzer, Schnauzer, Zwergschnauzer, Galgo Español, Bull Terrier and Tchiorny Terrier - breed that he was the first to introduce in Spain. He obtained the following titles with his dogs: 38 National Champions, 19 International Champions, 1 European Champion, 3 Vice World Winners, 2 World Winners and a Reserve Best in Show at the World Dog Show 1992. He is an international judge for 2nd Group FCI (complete), Labrador Retriever and American Akita. Special judge for Schnauzers. He judged in the following countries: Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Hungary, Austria, Russia, Gibraltar, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Ucraine, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Brasil, Indonesia, Finland, Great Britain, Romania, Luxembourg, Greece, etc. The most important shows where he judged are: World Dog Show - Bruxelles (Belgium), Budapest (Hungary), Porto (Portugal) and Rio de Janeiro (Brasil); European Dog Show - Genova (Italy) and Poznan (Poland); International Shows - Madrid, Milano, Moscow, Genova, Kiev, Sankt Petersburg, Tbilisi, Sao Paulo, Jakarta, Rotterdam, Lisboa, Innsbruck, Winner Show - Amsterdam, Athens, Bundessieger - Germany, etc.; National Club Show for Ca de Bou (Spain), Schnauzers (Spain, Germany, Finland, Russia, England, Ucraine, Romania), Bouvier de Berne (Slovenia), Dogo Argentino (Italy, Austria), Labrador Retriever (Netherlands and Brasil), Fila Brasileño (Sao Paulo-Brasil), Great Dane (Italy, Spain, Slovakia), etc; B.I.S. Champions Tour - England, Schnauzer of the year in England.