Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Mrs Lois Umbogintwini,




Lois was born in Rhodesia into a dog showing family, who had Setters, Spaniels and Airedales. In 1980 she moved to South Africa and started Sibra Kennels, specialising in Siberian Huskies and later Shiba Inu's, she also owned GSD's and Border Collies, as well as handling a number of different breeds, making them up to Champions. Both her children took part in Junior Handling Competitions and she is a qualified Handler Judge. Lois started judging in 1991, and is now qualified as an All Breeds Judge. She is the only qualified Breeder Judge of Siberians at Championship Show level in South Africa. Presently she is Chairman of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa's Executive Council. Her judging appointments have taken her around the world, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Canada, USA, and Brazil. She is judging in Ireland and England in July 2011.