, Mr DavidUSA
Judges Best in Show, 9 Non Sporting breeds. In addition to judging throughout the US, David has judged in Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Russia, Scotland, and South Africa. He has judged the prestigious Silverwood competition and the French National. As a Terrier Group judge, David has judged Terrier specialties throughout Canada and the US. His assignments have included the four most prominent Terrier shows in the US, those being Montgomery County (which he has judged on three occasions), Great Western Terrier Association (GWTA), Northern California Terrier Association (NCTA), and the Terrier Association of Oregon. In 2010 he judged the Terrier Group at Devon KC. In 2011, he is scheduled to judge in China, Zambia, Zimbabwe and is Senior Judge for the prestigious Silverwood competition in Florida.