Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Susan M Calgary AB,




Nasusa Perm. Reg'd Kennels is owned by Susan Badick, and her daughter Carla Badick. Susan's affiliation with dogs began in the mid 1950's. Susan won the Alberta Kennel Club Junior Handling Championship in 1958. The breeds she has shown in the conformation ring include: Labrador Retrievers, Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Scottish Terriers, Salukis, All Dachshund varieties, and Whippets. The first purebred dog that she owned was a Boston Terrier named Nasusa Back Talk, CD. Susan trained her to her CDX level. Susan also owns or has owned Scottish Terriers, Salukis, and now, a Labrador. The first conformation dog purchased by Susan was Ch. Stargang Mrs. Tiggywinkle. She was a Miniature Wire-Haired Dachshund bitch purchased in 1976 from Ellen Blackburn in England. This bitch was the foundation and start of Nasusa Perm. Registered kennel. The first Whippets shown by Susan were from Jim and Dorothy Cave (Semaj Whippets) of Calgary Alberta, in the early 1970's. It was one of their Whippets, Ch. Jynx's Miss Cinnamon that Susan piloted to #2 Whippet in 1976. In the late 1970's they also formed a bond and friendship with H. M. (Tuck) Turner of Denroc Whippets. This is where the first ownership in Whippets transpired from.