, Mr Lars Värmdö,SWEDEN
Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs), Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs, Terriers, Spitz and Primitive types, Scenthounds and Related Breeds, Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs, Companion and Toy Dogs, Sighthounds
A Media consultant by profession, Lars has owned dogs since 1958, his particular interest laying in Welsh Terriers, Swedish Gårdshund (Danish Swedish Farmdog) & Bichon Frise. His best known dogs are the Welsh Terrier "Adens Harmony Bell", first non-British bred Welsh terrier to become English champion. Bred another 2 English champions of the same breed. Cedewin Comedy, BIS Stockholm 1969. Lars is a a true connoisseur of the Welsh Terrier, and with a eminent breeding programme behind him. First licensed in 1983, Lars is fluent in English and German and has judged at CC level in England, Scandinavia, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Australia, New Zealand and India, He is today both breeding, showing and grooming as the Welsh Terriers are back in the family again. Lars is the President of the Judges Association in Sweden and very active in different dog clubs. Privately he likes piloting, good food and a game of golf.