, Mr Johan Vantaa,FINLAND
All Breeds
First licensed to judge in 1986, Johan purchased his first dog in 1965, and has owned and bred Norwich Terriers, Lagotto Romagnoli, Miniature Schnauzers, and Red Irish Setters since 1978. He has bred dozens of Champions and International Champions in Norwich Terriers. Int CH Rivale Pianoforte was BOB at the World Show in Finland in 1989. His sire, GB Ch Elve Sir Tarquin was the first GB Ch ever imported from the United Kingdom. Johan is the Breeder of the Year 2004 & 2005 in Norwich Terriers. Fluent in Finnish, Swedish, English and German, he has judged in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, England, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and extensively throughout Finland. Mr Juslin has been a board member of the Finnish Terrier Club, The Finnish Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club. Currently he is a board member of the Finnish Judges' Society. He's a past president for the above mentioned Norwich & Norfolk Terriers Club and The Finnish Peke Club. He has also been the Show Secretary for years for one All Breed Championship show and educating judges for Norfolk and Norwich Terriers. Johan has also been decorated by the Finnish Kennel Club and the Breeders' Association (silver medal). Judged Sydney Royal, 2006.