Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Dr Everett K BC,




Dr. Mincey began his judging career in 1984 with the Terrier Group. He is an all-breed judge licensed by the Canadian Kennel Club. He has judged in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, United States, Switzerland, Argentina, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, Korea, Indonesia, Peoples Republic of China, Hong Kong and Chile. He was one of the first western judges to judge dog shows in the former Soviet Union and judged shows there from 1990-1999. He and family acquired their first purebred dog in 1970, an Airedale Terrier. During the course of a 30-year program, they showed to championships more than 50 Cymbeline (Reg) Airedales, many of whom have gone BIS. The culmination of their breeding program came in 1981 when AmCan. Ch. Cymbeline Special Angel became top Terrier in Canada. He and family have also owned and shown Standard Poodles, Wire and Long-Hair Miniature Dachshunds, Lakeland Terriers and Wire Fox Terriers. He has been involved in Judges' education training programs in Langley, BC and has given many lectures and symposia on canine structure, judging methods and presentation in the show ring of many breeds. His wife Marilynn is also an all-breeds judge (see below).