Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Mr Jorge Montevideo,



    El Retorno, Coming Back
  • FCI:

    All Breeds

Jorge attained Membership with the FCI Standard Commission (1999-2011), was President of the Kennel Club Uruguayo (1996-2000) and (2004-2008), and President of the judge's Committee of the Kennel Club Uruguayo (2000-2004). He is a trainer of new judges in Uruguay and was an expounder at the America's and Caribbean Judges Congress over a number of years, as well as a FCI Delegate for Americas and Caribbean Show and for the 2005 World Dog Show in Argentina His kennel prefix "El Retorno" is in partnership with another All Breeds judge Mr Adrian Landarte (Uruguay). Among El Retorno's top wins are BIS, South American championship (1993); BIS, World Dog Show circuit (1997); Working Group first and second, World Dog Show circuit (1999); BOB, World Dog Show (2001); BIS, Americas FCI show (2001); BISS, Wire Fox Terrier Club of America (Montgomery County 2002); Award of Merit, Westminster (2003); runner-up BIS SICALAM Show (2003); and Best in Terrier Group, World Dog Show (2005). El Retorno Kennels is renowned for breeding Wire and Smooth Fox Terriers, Standard Schnauzers, Whippets, Beagles, Boxers, Dachshunds, and Cimarron Uruguayo. Jorge has achieved more than 150 All Breed Best in Shows with his dogs competing in many countries in addition to many World Champion titles. He became a Fox Terrier judge in 1987 and an FCI All Breed judge in 1996. He is a Specialist judge with Old English Sheepdogs, Boxers, Dobermanns, Schnauzers, Fox Terriers, Basset Hounds, Irish Setters, Poodles, Shih-Tzu's and Afghan Hounds.